Specialist Medical Training

The Specialist Medical Training Program is an individual goal-oriented program including hands-on clinical training and external medical courses.

Due to an ongoing review of our guidelines, the specialist medical and dental training programs are, at the moment, closed for applications and spontaneous applications are not accepted. Update about upcoming application rounds will be posted here as soon as available.

All training in the Specialist Medical Program is in accordance with the directives of the National Board of Health and Welfare and are grouped into two overall goal categories:

  • Cross-sectional learning objectives mandatory for all specialisations, e.g. leadership and communication, quality and patient safety assurance, palliative care and disease prevention at a basic level (BT objectives) and advanced level (a&b objectives).
  • Speciality-specific learning objectives indicating the skills and medical approaches needed to be able to conduct tasks independently within the chosen specialisation (c objectives). 

General learning objectives

Each specialty qualification requires the completion of an individually defined plan over a minimum of 5,5 years, which includes hands-on clinical training (main part of the specialist training program), internal and external courses in a goal-oriented program. Participation in research and quality development work, as well as independent scientific work, is an integral part of the individual’s development towards certification.

specialist medical training

Learning Swedish

Mastering Swedish is vital to gain the most from the clinical training – and therefore for doctors to integrate more smoothly into their training context.
Swedish is a requirement for patient contact, which is why international doctors start their training with an intensive language course. Inside and outside the hospital, however, you will encounter a variety of cultures. More than 160 nationalities live in Skåne with 100 languages spoken. Proficient English is spoken with ease.

Read more about living in Sweden

Through the programme, every doctor:

  • Receives an individually designed curriculum following the Swedish model.
  • Can study for a full specialist medical training in a minimum of 5,5 years and/or complete a fellowship of 1-2 years.
  • Earns a certificate issued by Skåne University Hospital and the National Board of Health and Welfare upon successful completion of training.
  • Begins a 12 month Swedish language and cultural training. The first three months of language training can be provided remotely. 
  • Has access to relocation support, including help with finding a home, local orientation, and settling-in services.
  • Has dedicated support on a day-to-day basis through our international office at Skåne University Hospital.


Read more about our Specialist Training Areas 

Specialist Training Areas